Finally got time to work on my oscilloscope tube clock, well radar tube.
The image was very blurred, turned out the deflection (elctrostatic) amp was getting noise over the supply from the switching converter I put together that generates the voltages for the anode, focus, brightness grid and cathode.
I got this to improve filtering the supply, however now I have this odd blurry image on one side of the tube, clear on the other, reversing the deflection plate wires inverts the image but doesnt invert the blurred side of the tube, moving the image around with the centering pots brings the blurred part clear if I shift the image all the way across, so what was the blurred side of the image is on the other side of the screen.
Have I got a dead tube?, or is my fairly small amount of experience with crts biting me again.
The clock uses vector graphics from an esp32 dac outputs.