CRT TV - No Picture

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New Member
I have a 1981 Panasonic Model 1010P, with 1 1/2" CRT Screen. The unit turns on and I can hear fuzz, but I cannot get a picture. There are 2 adjustment 'knobs' on the side of the unit, contrast and bright. Adjusting these doesn't appear to do anything. I'm not sure where to start.

There are also tiny holes on either side of the unit; one on one side, three on the other. They are labelled RF-AGC, Height, H-Hold, V-Hold. Are these for adjustment?

I am educated in electrical repair and theory, as applied to automobiles, but I haven't attempted repairing a television.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Some TV's will blank the screen and mute the audio if there is no signal. Some will show "snow" and static.
now, i have no idea where you are, so lets assume your in the US.
In 1981 the US was running the NTSC standard and now we are running the ATSC or 8VSB standard. So, you won't get a pic unless you have a DTV converter box. Since you have static, I might assume that you should have "raster" or snow.

You need both brightness and contrast. Contrast is like putting your sunglasses on.

RF-AGC is Radio frequency automatic gain control. It kinda tries to make the signal the same when you flip channels. Two much signal and the pic goes away. too little - snow,

Height usually doen't have to be touched, but it does compress the raster from the top and bottom. usually left alone.

H-Hold is Horizontal Hold. Fixes diagonal lines on the TV.

V-Hold fixes what looks like rolling frames on the TV.

Later the horizontal and vertical frequencies were derived from the color burst frequency, Early TV's used the line at 60 Hz. So, vertical-H changes the frequency of the vertical oscillator.

TYPICAL no raster problems are related to the Horizontal oscillator did not start up. The Horizontal osc transistor is sometimes a simple repair, Later, it got much harder.

So, #1, I suspect the wrong signal input.
Hello JohnnyQuestion
Can you be more accurate.
When you say "The unit turns on and I can hear fuzz, but I cannot get a picture", that means you have HV and rain on the crt or the crt is totaly off?
Best regards
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