CSS project problem

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New Member
I tried to keep an older project, "computer" from board Dacia 1310, only want to add to an identification with iButton using 1wire.
So far all well and good, I did a part of the project, only that I was stuck on some code issues, mention that I'm not very good at programming and C, but as I thought Iara project so far and what I to realize.

- Driver to get in the car, the key is hanging a iButton tag, the engine is stopped. The driver connects iButton tag for a few seconds to be identified for special plug, this time leaving a 1logic.
- The driver starts the car and go.
- If the car is started before your iButton to be identified, then exit left 0logic.
- If the site is iButton identified, but not for five minutes to start the engine, passes out on 0logic.

What I fail to at the moment and I do not know is how to count timer command 600 seconds and simultaneously verify if the tag is checked or not, the remaining software functions I've done, but I I blocked the implementation of the above.
Can you help? I attached the draft scheme proteous including source code.
even give me advice or help me and I see my dream come true, then comes the fun of programming and performance wiring.

sorry for my bad english

L.E. the title is CCS project problem


  • ibutton.zip
    140.4 KB · Views: 99
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