Spec, the TS asked for +-1A. However, he has never specified the Inductance, nor the highest frequency at which he wishes to drive the inductor. Until he does, the +-18V supplies are pure speculation...
Spec, the TS asked for +-1A. However, he has never specified the Inductance, nor the highest frequency at which he wishes to drive the inductor. Until he does, the +-18V supplies are pure speculation...
Mike, 'pure speculation' is a bit dramatic. I am well aware of that additional information is required, and have already stated as much. Once again, the circuit is an outline to illustrate an approach for a current amplifier. The circuit as it stands may not be stable without some frequency compensation and also it suffers severe cross over distortion. Neither is there any decoupling capacitors. It shows the principle of providing a high current output which the OP asked about.
Also, the OP could take a constructive approach and, by simulation, establish what inductor/frequency/voltage combinations the current amplifier can handle.