Custom Dash With Built IN PC

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Phil G

New Member
hi peeps, a few questions for you, im new to electronics, i have project car sat on my drive and i intend to install a incar pc. your probs wondering ok yes ive heard of that before yada yada, however this is a unique project car with everything being custom built, for as little as possible.

now heres my question i aquired a TFT LCD screen (PW070XU3), now i need to connect it to a vga cable with a female vga connector, i have isolated the pin outputs, and i know i will need a control module or 2, but i havent the foggyiest of where to start, these are the pins i need to match up

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can any 1 hlp me or is any 1 willing to assist me

forgot to add this is the full details i could get for the LCD screen
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Hmmm the only way you're really going to do this is to either make a custom controller (very very complicated) or try and find a ready built controller that will sort it out for you.

Its not going to be a case of a couple of resistors and a diode or two - more than likely going to be easier to get a different screen which is compatible with your computer (carputer).
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