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Custom Gadgets

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Hi All!
I'm not sure if building the following is feasible as a DIYer but maybe someone may know where to get a ready made gadget like this...Basically it is a control box that takes input from several sensors such as alarm circuits, water level meters, etcetera and has two main outputs: One, to an indicator box with buzzers and LEDs to show people what switch was triggered; and, Two, both internet and mobile phone interface circuits to send a message to a server and SMS messages to pre-programmed cell phone numbers.
Apparently my boss is impressed with all the stuff I made to his specs and now with this project I need more than a little help...Thanks all!
are all the sensors in the same room/building?

you could do something like a parallel port interface to RF to sensors, then let the computer send the data out, you may need to write your own software though.

if you have more than 8 sensors you may need to do some BCD coding at the port too
Thanks for the reply "dawg" give you an idea of the system as a whole it will be centered around a house or business/office with some sensors inside and some outside (so, various locations) and this gadget i need has to take input from all sensors and send them to 3 outputs: 1) A local panel board where switches that have been triggered are indicated by LEDs and buzzers; 2) the user's interweb connection (but automatically so that the info about triggered sensors gets to our server...i.e. they dont need to be bothered by it coz they have the panel...) and 3) in case they dont have inet at home an SMS text sent out to our server or SIM card as well (we already have the stuff needed to relay the message to the subscriber)...And, ya, we might use remote sensors that transmit thru RF (radio frequency is what you meant, right?) but some by wire as well or maybe even both for a failsafe. So, you're saying if the subscriber has a PC with a parallel port we could write code and the customer's computer will serve as this "gadget"?...coz i know someone who writes excellent code...Anyhow, what about the text messaging to our server?
Thus, if i have a parallel port with custom software and BCD code (i dont know what that is), an interface circuit for the port (how to build that?) and both RF and hard wire inputs that would be "it"? I'm kinda getting a picture formed but still very fuzzy...BTW, what would i type into google to search for ready made gadgets that do all this...? Thanks
Sounds like what you are describing is a standard issue home security system.
So, you're saying if the subscriber has a PC with a parallel port we could write code and the customer's computer will serve as this "gadget"?

Not to knock the parallel port but I haven't seen a new computer or motherboard in several years that still includes a parallel port. Sort of obsolete much as the RS232 serial port is going away. You may want to look at Ethernet or USB communication.

What you are considering isn't new and commonly found in home security systems. Additionally industrial data acquisition from a variety of sensors use wireless technology to transmit data from sensors to a computer (server) and then you can do whatever you want with the data.

What I think you need to do is sit down with a white blank piece of paper and begin to draw out what you want in some detail. Determine what your sensors will sense and then if they will send the data wired or wireless to a computer. Then determine what you want to do with the data. If a sensor like temperature exceeds a preset limit then do what? Call someone, update a web page?

<EDIT> Beat by tcmtech! :) </EDIT>

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@ ron & tcmtech: Thanks for the replies...Yes, many of the sensors will be for home security gadgets but others will bhe water level sensors and such...basically, the sensor side is taken care of. We have the Input "gadgets" and ya, maybe a control box from a home security supplier can work as the control box i need. All inputs are simple. They are all all analog or digital ON signals and the "box" just needs to "sort" them and route them. One place they all have to go is the users display panel in the home (which is simply a bunch of LEDs and a few buzzers to let them know something was triggered). The other two outputs from the "box" are to a control unit that can send SMS messages to a sim card that we assign and another unit that can send alert messages via the internet to our server. I wish i could draw it out but i dont have a website to post it on at the moment...the box diagram is deceptively's just beyond me to put together a number of chips/chipsets(?) to do what i just described. Basically it's just a routing and communication system. All it needs to do is send alert messages to the three sited mentioned above: the local alert panel, an SMS auto messenger and a PC with an internet connection (or direct to the internet cable or whatever). Whether the inputs from sensors come thru RF or wires doesnt really matter, as long as the "box" can sort and route them and get local, SMS and internet signals out to the right places...If there is anything like this on the market i dont think we need to reinvent the wheel...i'll try searching for home security control boxes now but any other leads would be helpful...Thanks All!
You can do as Diver300 suggest or I know that Omega Engineering has a pretty full line of assorted wireless systems that can be web based for data acquisition. Try a search from their home page of wireless.

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