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See below.
Obviously, I won't guarantee that this will work, or that it won't destroy your batteries. You need to understand that the transistor will be dissipating as much as 270 watts. You might want to put a few in parallel.


  • battery_discharger_30_amp.gif
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Great!! Thanks man I owe you another one. Btw, I wanted to know the actual discharge current and voltage level of the battery, where do you think is the best location for the meters?
scottraynor said:
Great!! Thanks man I owe you another one. Btw, I wanted to know the actual discharge current and voltage level of the battery, where do you think is the best location for the meters?

As the schematic says, the discharge current is set by adjusting the voltage between GND and the node named Iset. The current is that voltage divided by the value of R2. This is the safest place to measure it. The actual current can be monitored by measuring the voltage across R2, but if you accidentally short the top of R2 to GND during discharge, you could damage the MOSFET and/or the battery.

Measure the voltage of the battery directly across the battery (I think you knew that).
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