Yes, I've seen the data sheets for the components in the LED display and power supply regulator. There is no schematic available for this SilentRadio sign - I've looked extensively... these were made back in the late 80's. Attached to the LED array board is the main logic board. As stated above, I was not able to get any life out of the LED array when I connected DC power to the regulator board, and assume that there is a problem somewhere on that main logic board. It uses a 6502 microprocessor. Here is what that board looks like:
The power supply regulator board (schematic at the beginning of this thread) plugs into the white 5 pin connector on the right of the picture. The board underneath the logic board is about 40 inches long and contains the 29 LED matrix arrays.
There are 12 leads that connect the logic board to the LED display board as follows:
1. 5 Volts
2. Ground
3. Seven common Anode lines (5 volts to light up)
4. Seven common Anode lines (5 volts to light up)
5. Seven common Anode lines (5 volts to light up)
6. Seven common Anode lines (5 volts to light up)
7. Seven common Anode lines (5 volts to light up)
8. Seven common Anode lines (5 volts to light up)
9. Seven common Anode lines (5 volts to light up)
10. Ground
11. Data
12. Clock
Where I am at a loss is coming up with an arduino that will replace the main logic board and interface the 12 pins shown above.