DAC output

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How to control the 0-24v(500mA) proportionally with 0-5V micro controller
DAC output

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Hay every body

How to control the 0-24v(500mA) proportionally with 0-5V micro controller
DAC output

Thank you


You could use a MCP4922 dual 12bit DAC , SPI connection.
Requires a volt/current amp on the DAC output.
Here is how you can control an adjustable voltage regulator from a DAC.

The control inputs of voltage regulators is usually 1.22 volts or so, and you can get 0 - 24 volts out for 5 - 0 V in with suitable choice of resistors.

The output goes up when the DAC output goes down so you have to reverse the signal in software.


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In some cases, you can skip a DAC completely and use PWM. It depends on what you are controlling.
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