Damn that's cool!

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Well-Known Member
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1.**broken link removed**

And this!
2. **broken link removed**

AND THIS! (to a lesser extent)
3. **broken link removed**

#2 just looks cool. But the way #1 moves, wow! Think I can build one of those using servo motors? Only about 20 servos...just 3 more than the hexapod I was planning on. I think I should change my plans.
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If i saw that first one comming at me in the water i would crap myself!

That is soo cool, have like a little 2" diamiter one, to throw into a pool and mess around... that is soooo cool though.
Man uir right...if I saw something in the water coming at me like that...I woulkd immediatly void my bowels ( a evolutionary form of self-defence, passed down generation to generation in my family)
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