Darkroom Timer with PIC16F84AP chip

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The 16F84 was replaced by the 16F628 last century, there was a migration document at MicroChip - but it's so long ago it doesn't appear to be there any more?. Essentially it's a drop-in replacement - just assemble the source code for the new processor - make sure you set the fuses correctly though.

You do need to add a couple of lines to turn OFF the comparators (see my tutorials which all include these lines), and I would check the GPR start address (again my tutorials include the correct value for the 628).
Cheers Nigel..

Thanks for that. Off now to speak to our Internet Guys. They blocked your site in the school



I was hoping to tell you it was categorised as 'adult material' but have just discovered:

This website has been categorised as "Freeware and Software Download".

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