Data Logger using PIC (Newcomer need HELP!)

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New Member
Hi everyone. Newcomer here. I am doing a project using PIC. I would like to read some suggestion and guidance on building a multi-channel data logger using PIC. I was planning to use PIC16F877 to log data from more than one sensor.

Among of the sensor that I will be using are:
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Pressure
- Real-time clock
- Light

I was having problem on selecting the type of sensors to be used for the data logger. I would appreciate to read your suggestions, links and any information which might help on selecting the type of sensors. Thank you.
Temperature: LM34, LM35, I2C, DS18B20
Humididity HS1101

Realtime clock DS1307 or do it in software
Light a cds cell

If you're using analog a TL431 makes an excellent reference.

Thanks. Do you think it would be possible to record or log data from 3 to 4 sensors at one time? Multiplexing is required. Is PIC16F877 can support this? I did some research but I haven't actually got this PIC yet.
Anyway, is it possible to make the data logger to connect to a PC by USB instead of Serial port? (Reading data from PIC to the PC)
271zmeihc said:
Do you think it would be possible to record or log data from 3 to 4 sensors at one time? Multiplexing is required.
Certainly that is possible. Shouldn't be a problem at all.

Is PIC16F877 can support this?
An 877 should be fine.
271zmeihc said:
Anyway, is it possible to make the data logger to connect to a PC by USB instead of Serial port? (Reading data from PIC to the PC)

Not with the PIC alone (choose an 18F PIC with USB support to do that), if you want USB with a 16F877, easiest way is a USB/Serial converter.
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