From SPI puzzle thread (ERIC GIBBS):
I guess you know NSS is /CS .?? [NOT CS]
Where is the RESET connected.?
Are the DIO pins allowed to 'float' the datasheet should tell you.
As you say the PCB requires a 3.3v supply.
I usually add a 10k pull up on MISO
1/ [[[ How are you planning to get the 18F2431 PIC to communicate via RS232 to the other PIC.????
hi C,
2/ [[[ This is a clip from my circuit showing the SPI and 74HC125 level shifter.
There are 100R's in series with the three PIC output pins to the HC125.
The logic +5v High input current should be limited to < 20mA when powering the HC125 with3.3v.
[I have sometimes used the HC without the 100R's with no problems, but I would not recommend this way]
Note the 10k pull up for MISO.
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