Datasheet for LED filament


Well-Known Member
Handson is like Adafruit, some items are designed in-house and some are just resold with an Adafruit "datasheet" (or mounted on a PCB and resold) or... you hopefully get the point.

You need to either find the company that actually mounds the microLEDs on the thin PCB and covers them with phosphor gel.

Once you have that, you'll likely be disappointed because the application of the phosphor "gel" (actually a silicone polymer minted with phosphor), you'll find that the lot to lot consistency is very poor because, as you can see by looking at the photo you posted, the phosphor is not consistent in concentration or thickness so emitted light will vary from piece to piece but also along each part (there are typically about 12-LEDs per inch in these - newer versions have even more). They are NOT as you suggest, an LED filament. It's just a smaller version of an LED strip. Some have phosphor built in to each LED and some have "external" or "remote" phosphors.

Good luck and have fun tracking down a manufacturer. Then I'd love to be a fly in the wall as you explain what you want for data - they have no idea and, if they do, they don't want to be trapped by one customer's request for quality.

These AC lamps are "binned" by color temperature.
If you want to know LED Vf/If detail and binning info, you'll need to find out the part number of the internal LED's, then search for a data sheet.
I did...

"if you want to know LED Vf/If detail and binning info, you'll need to find out the part number of the internal LED's, then search for a data sheet"
Yes, then you saw the part where he could not find part numbers (meaning he already searched) then, after detailed explanation, actually asked the question in post 1?
Do you know where i can find purchasable LED filaments with detailed datasheets?
Do you know where i can find purchasable LED filaments with detailed datasheets?
Your expectations are not available for low volume users. These parts are publicly available to Aliexpress, EBay type outlets with no specs other than 3V etc.

I suspect these are only sold to value added customers in volume.
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