DC motor lap winding

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Hello guys,

long time ago!

I was looking at the types of armature winding of a DC motor and something confused.
Link: **broken link removed**

Page 1-29 and 1-30.

I added the pictures in the attachment.

Someone has an idea why the connection of the conductors of the development diagram and the image below doesn't match?

e.g. commutator segment 4 goes to conductor 7 and 12 at the fig 1.27 while
for fig 1.28 it goes to 6 and 12.

Commutator segment 1 goes to conductor 1 and 6 at the fig 1.27 while for fig 1.28 it goes to 1 and 7.

I assume the fig 1.27 and fig 1.28 are related to each other in terms of connections of the conductors and commutator segments.

Thanks a lot in advance guys.

Happy NYE!


  • lap winding.png
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