DC Voltage amplifier help

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New Member
ok heres the deal, ive been reading alot about voltage multipliers and DC step ups and such. but ive been finding them for 9V or more. which doesnt help me any. my project requires 7.2V output to ignite a glow plug and also temporarily start a electric motor for about 10 seconds. ( its for a RC engine)
the power requires 7.2v @ 1400 maH or higher maH. is it possible to use a smaller battery like 2AA 1.2V 3800maH batteries running thru a voltage multiplier to get the output load i need? get it? im new at this stuff. so if im confusing you im sorry.
also if theres some type of schematic i can look at to help it would be appreciated.

Connect 6 nos 2AA(1.2V/3800mAh) in series to get the required voltage like this
---------+2AA-+2AA-+2AA-+2AA-+2AA-+2AA---------|                                                                               |  
|                                                                              |____________+7.2               -7.2V_______________|
i know how to do that. in that series the voltage is amplified however the milliamp stays the same. but im trying to elliminate the 6 -7 cells and only use 2 - 4 AA's.
i know how to do that. in that series the voltage is amplified however the milliamp stays the same. but im trying to elliminate the 6 -7 cells and only use 2 - 4 AA's.
i know how to do that. in that series the voltage is amplified however the milliamp stays the same. but im trying to elliminate the 6 -7 cells and only use 2 - 4 AA's.

Ok I get you now, what is your current(I) requirement at 7.2V?
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