I don't think that there's enough information from the data sheets to know what the ripple will be. You could measure it and find out. You just need a small resistance, say 100 mOhm, in series with the 2.2 μF capacitor and you use an oscilloscope to measure the voltage across that resistor when it's running.
I would tend to agree that there could to be too much ripple in the 2.2 μF capacitor. However, it's an isolated converter, which implies that it has a transformer inside it, so the peak input current is likely to be far less than the output current. Also the specifications quote quite low values of ripple with some filtering, and the EMI filter circuit doesn't show any input capacitor after the inductor, and quite modest capacitance values before the inductor.
The capacitors suggested in the module's data sheet are ceramic. They have lower ESRs than electrolytic capacitors, so they are more effective at reducing ripple and they don't get hot if there is a lot of ripple current, so they could well be a much more suitable.