Dead car...

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rjvh said:
did you get a new tool in the end????
I most certainly did. Since then, Sears must have improved their tool exchange process to not include any questions or reasons for an exchange. Now days it's an even exchange with no questions nor comments necessary.
Gotta love these new vehicles where you practically have to remove the engine and transmission just to change a spark plug, alternator, etc.
Everything made after the 70s is a cheap piece of plastic sh**.
rjvh said:
so you're aware of the nano
(see worlds cheapest car tread)

Well Europe and Asia has always made crappy cars from the beginning(not all of them), i was referring to the 70's American breed cars, actual 50lb steel bumpers, cast iron engines, and no bulls**t plastic intakes and electronic timing.
I don't want to go back to the Good Old Days when the parts were all easily accessible.

My car may be made of mostly inaccessible parts, but even at 15 years old, it doesn't need "minor" repairs on a weekly basis like my 60's cars did.
The 1970's as well (1978 Chevy corvette here; with big pain in the tail small block motor) I can jump it with a screw driver. Still do when it gets too hot.. BTW, Not my work car.

But 1990's? I doubt it as well as Nigel pointed out.

Sounds like something Bob could have fixed though. His Dad should have gave him a day or two, and he should have snapped pictures of the starter or went to the local auto store and bought a Haynes/"all the others guess" book.

So Bob, what is the outcome? How much did it cost?
As far as I can tell from the thread he did not even check the battery posts for a bad connection. What could be easier.
crusty said:
Well Europe and Asia has always made crappy cars from the beginning.

something like the ferrari, lambourgini, lotus, spyker these can be crapy for some but in general it's the belief that they are the high end of the automobile world

as for the Toyota corola and camry they are the most relyable cars in the last 15 years in many countrys

of cause the american cars do also win a first prize in the catagory
the least Km/Mile per liter/gallon
some people like the hummer but I personaly i am not that found of it

i drive motor bikes annyway
car is handy but driving a motorbike is FUN

farrari , lamb, lotus, and spykers are all a plastic POS, look at the pictures after they smack them into a wall even at 60MPH. toyota is another plastic piece of recycled front wheel drive crap. Matter fact anything front wheel drive is a piece.
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now that is sexy....
this is where I am saving for

Husqvarna TE250 2008


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3v0 said:
As far as I can tell from the thread he did not even check the battery posts for a bad connection. What could be easier.
Did check battery connections (of course). It came down to it not being my car so I couldn't do anything else.

If it had been mine, I would've torn it apart and ordered the proper replacement if necessary.
Are your wires rated for the current draw? Any smoke while cranking indicates possible wire failure, even fire. Loose or corroded connections do the same. Jumping the starter when it's off the engine, or bypassing the existing wiring would help you.
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