debug problems in MikroC

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The following RTC using device 16f876A & Ds3231. The program does compile successfully. But using step by step (F8) compile the process when it come into a delay function and a program. The compiler dose not return any value of variables (shift+F5). I cannot trace any problem. Pls help me here. thanks


  • MyProject_Clock.c
    6.9 KB · Views: 222
I'm not sure what your problem is...

It is compiling, but not running??

Its not compiling and not reporting errors?

The program runs until a delay then stops?

First! check the "project properties" and make sure the correct crystal is being used..
Second! Don't use ADC_Read(); to quickly!! use ADC_Get_Sample(); instead!

I always provide an LED to help debugging whenever possible...
Only had a very quick look, but I can't see where the <ADCS0 and ADCS1> bits are set in ADCON0 ??

Maybe relevant, maybe not ...

Only had a very quick look, but I can't see where the <ADCS0 and ADCS1> bits are set in ADCON0 ??

Maybe relevant, maybe not ...

In MikroC the ADC_Read() or the ADC_Get_Sample() takes care of all the relevant sampling overhead...

This compiler takes away all low level stuff...
Sorry, should have checked. I do use MikroC but use my own ADC code ( in asm ).

Legacy of the 'pre-Dongle' days when I was scratching for every word to avoid the 2k limit.

No need to be sorry!!! I use MikroC for pic32... Sometimes it's just easier to let someone else do the low level stuff..
This compiler takes away all low level stuff...
And that is what makes it like candy. Visual Basic 6 was so popular too because of its intuitive ease of use. Although many programmers gave VB6 a bad name due to the poor content that they were producing and publishing. Slander and defamation of character to the product. No you cannot use Visual Basic 6 coupled with Win 32 APIs to produce quality video game. It is just not possible. This is so untrue!!!
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