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New Member
guys, i feel terrible ,when i was said that i had poor communication skills.

it was on thursday,my project seminar ,where i wasn't even allowed to speak ,and without hearing my seminar teachers say your communication skills are poor,how embarrasing how disgusting,they simply don't know how much i have worked?
they keep on interrupting me saying you have poor skills

i feel kind of deceived.

ah!!! just wanted to share with u people ,after all this is the forum i believe is correct for this kind of post.
Did you present your assignment to your tutors.?

If Yes, what marks did you get.?

Did they say all your communication skills are poor or which skill.?

Did you do your BEST.?

ericgibbs said:
Did you present your assignment to your tutors.?

If Yes, what marks did you get.?

Did they say all your communication skills are poor or which skill.?

Did you do your BEST.?

yup there were 5 students including me in the project.
they say my speaking skills aren't good ,but the thing is he didn't even allowed me to speak
shankbond said:
yup there were 5 students including me in the project.
they say my speaking skills aren't good ,but the thing is he didn't even allowed me to speak

So what happens now, do you have to redo this years studies.?

Can you say where you are located.?
ericgibbs said:
So what happens now, do you have to redo this years studies.?

Can you say where you are located.?
no no ,i said that because i was feeling bad and needed to talk with somebody else,and i m from India
shankbond said:
no no ,i said that because i was feeling bad and needed to talk with somebody else,and i m from India

hi shankbond,
In my studies and career when someone told me I was not good enough at a certain task,
I thought perhaps they are right, so what can I do about it.!

I paid special attention to the criticism, especially if it came from someone whom I respected
and I taught myself those skills, so it didnt happen again.

I am still learning today and I still make mistakes.
When I make a mistake, I make an extra effort to understand what I did wrong, I don't just shrug it off and blame someone else.

Sometimes we learn much more from our mistakes, so do not give up.
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Maybe the lesson to learn here is to make the opportunity to speak, rather than wait to take the opportunity to speak. In the business world, you have to make your opportunities - taking advantage of opportunities is easy. But everyone's competing and each has his own interests at stake, so waiting for someone to give you an opportunity could take forever. Making your own opportunity is something you can do right now.

Don't fuss over the situation and take it personally. Think about the presentation dynamic the same way you'd think about a circuit. If your circuit fizzled, would you take it personally? Obviously it'd be a bit of a bummer at first, just as the realization of an unexpected set-back always is. But then you'd start to think analytically, objectively, scientifically even, to figure out what went wrong.

Sometimes that's easier for us to do when dealing with inanimate objects, but you can use the same tyoe of retrospective analysis to assess how you're interacting with people. What was it you said or didn't say? How was it you said it? What were people expecting to hear? What did they hear? Most importantly, what variables can you identify so that you can try to adjust them in your favour in the future?
shankbond said:
i guess that is the only option i have
Hai, Friend, I know many people with this type of problem. At the outset, i feel that they had prior knowledge regarding you and it made them to have pre-biased. However, I would suggest you to attend a 3 months course on English speaking and communication skills. this would really help you to improve the command on English.

As Ericgibbs rightly pointed out, the remarks can help you to become a powerful speaker with good command over the language. Make use of it without any ill-feeling. Let us thank for the advance guidance.
Personally I think you are communicating very well. Especially as English is not your first language. I bet there are not many people on this forum who are not from India could communicate with you in your mother tongue.

All The Best.

thanks a lot for wat u have written , i m really inspired; may be this is the only powerful way out .
so, how should i start analysing myself ,in order to make ur things true ,i think i will have to make a bit of modifications to my thinking .so were to start with ,plz explain

Mr. sarma as u have pointed, english speaking course; but in this part of the world as i have seen and listened the reviews of my friends ,they say that it makes no good difference,besides i do try to increase my vocabulary almost every day.
and i can speak properly ,i can write properly ,i can read properly .
the only problem they say is that i speak slowly(and i dont know what that means but i m trying to figure out) ,even in my view i speak confidently
rmn_tech said:
Personally I think you are communicating very well. Especially as English is not your first language. I bet there are not many people on this forum who are not from India could communicate with you in your mother tongue.

All The Best.
thanks a lot for the compliment
Speak slowly....That being the case the international community better enjoys your speech, perhaps, though your slow speech may not be appealing to the local lecturers. It is generally claimed that Indians speak rather fast.

It is nice to note that you are continuously improving the vocabulary. All the best. Just use the college feed back on the way of improvement but never get disheartened Shankbond !!
shankbond said:
the only problem they say is that i speak slowly(and i dont know what that means but i m trying to figure out) ,even in my view i speak confidently

Oh dear!
As a native English speaker I think I understand your problem.
There seems to be the thought amongst some of those who speak English as a second language that to be competant in English it has to be spoken as fast as possible.
The result is some jibberish, which may be understandable to others who speak the same distorted English, but is completely incomprehensible to those who speak English as a first language.

As others here have commented, your written English is fine, but a couple of points...

I not i
you not u
please not plz

Sloppiness and text speak are far worse than speaking slowly, (in my opinion).

you are right jimB, I too have issues while typing. Perhaps the algorithm in the text making software can at least take care , to the effect that anyone typing a single character 'i' can be automatically converted to upper case.

Many times I see youth, using the Chat mode characters and those used in SMS. I earnestly hope that they would come out of this habit and be able to type in a standard format.

so, what should I do?
mvs sarma said:
Many times I see youth, using the Chat mode characters and those used in SMS. I earnestly hope that they would come out of this habit and be able to type in a standard format.

I totally agree with you and it becomes pathetic to read this kind of message
shankbond said:
so, what should I do?
Sir, as you have appreciated the concept given, please follow it up and one you make up your mind to go for standard way of typing messages, after few days, you would write and type standard form of English, which I don't have any doubt. I see enough concern in your mindset. and the changes suggested are at finer level.
Well, mvs I am not in a habit of writing that kind of style.

by the way what is your good name?and how old are you?
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