decor mod 2400 light dimmer project

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I have 2 Decor Electronics mod 2400 dual light dimmers. i am looking for any info ,,data sheet, wiring diagram,, anything I can find. Hoping I can use these for a project m but have no info on them. Any help please..
what is the part number or make?

i would expect connection diagram to be included with the product, if not, place that sold it will be able to help you or direct you to a manufacturer.
bought from ebay

it is a decor electronics dual incandescent light dimmer model num dual 2400 10v. The company is out of biz. input and out put i have figured out,, but control wires and voltage for control is what i am needing... it has 2 control boards other wise simple design. My just be a variable resistor from remote location.


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hmmm, this thing is 40 year old. that explains why internet does not find anything about it.
but since it is single sided pcb with only a handful of components, it would be easy to reverse engineer it.
my guess is that 555 is used as saw-tooth oscillator and LM324 is used as bunch of comparators (there are 3 trimmers on the left)
Thanks for the reply;
just a thought and a ideal,,,dropping the board and using this circuit and parts from this,, could this work..I have no ideal what the choke is,, but the triac is;
Semitronics Corp.SC265B6
V(DRM) Max.(V)Rep.Pk.Off Volt.=200
I(T(RMS)) Max.(A)On-State Cur.=40
I(GT) Max. (A)=50m
V(GT) Max.(V)=2.5
I(H) Max.(A) Holding Current=75m
V(T) Max. (V)=1.4
@I(T) (A) (Test Condition)=56
The load would be I just in the wrong ball park here or should I just start from scratch?
design is shown in pic

HAM51 has not logged in here since March 2013.

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