You were right, Mike, and thank you.
Thanks atferrari, you are right as well, I am just too cheap.
Nigel, I didn't use the library because I am stubborn and don't want to use one of the only two external interrupts, or constantly poll a stupid encoder that sits there idle for 99% of the time. But, I am laughing with you at myself, and thanks for your input. Your pensive bemusement comes off way better than mine.
Mike, thank you very much, and if a 4 transition per detente encoder is relatively easy, I'm sure glad I didn't try some other cheap encoder, grin, because until I stumbled upon this look up table method, it sure didn't seem easy to me (at least without throwing some serious hardware conditioning at it). Delay polling and timed interrupts sucked, for me, at least.
Thanks all, for your help, and now onto the hard stuff...