Thanks for elaborating! Im kinda new to steppers..
Actually i'm using just the L298 without the 297, and the stepper controlled directly by my microcontroller (Arduino , using the stepper library). I later tried with another better chip(but lower max current): L293D, but the same problem.
It so happened that i could not exceed 150rpm (it started to vibrate at 151 rpm), and now ive traced it to a software bug in the library which seems to have rectified it.
also, i was using regular 1n4004 diodes instead of those 'fast diodes'.. do not know if that makes much of a difference.
Now, my problem seems to be the motor's limit.. may i know what motor are you using which is capable of such high rpm (300+)? is it instantaneous, or does it require a gradual rev up?
sure, i do need a lot of luck )