Delay a TTL signal with microsecond precision

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New Member

I was wondering if anyone could help with a circuit that would delay TTL signal in the microsecond range.

Thanks in advance for any help
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Does it have to be a (hard-wired) circuit, or could you use a microprocessor? Certainly you could get that precision, given a fast enough clock.
1000 microseconds is only 1ms. Do you mean 1,000,000 microseconds?

You could use a programmable counter for the delay. For one microsecond resolution the counter clock would be 1MHz and require a 20-bit counter for a maximum of one second delay.

Does the pulse width of the TTL signal have to be preserved?
sorry for the late response:

Does it have to be a (hard-wired) circuit, or could you use a microprocessor? Certainly you could get that precision, given a fast enough clock.

Microprocessor I think should be fine. Maybe an arduino?

Yes I meant 1,000,000 microseconds. I'm not sure if the signal need be preserved, but it might be nice.
Microprocessor I think should be fine. Maybe an arduino?

I'm not sure if the signal need be preserved, but it might be nice.
"Nice" greatly complicates a discrete design. A microprocessor design would likely be better. Someone else will have to give you advice on device selection for that, however.
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