delay circuit. First delay time slightly longer than preceeding

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Well-Known Member

The goall is to built a simple RC delay circuit that has a cap discharge function. I'm not going to use any 555/556 timing circuits.

I do have some circuits that works. Common to them all is that whenever the circuits trigs, I cannot know the initial voltage of the cap. It would possible be some between 0V and 0,6V.

First circuit: Part of the problem is also that discharge procedure may discharge cap down to 0.6V and not completely to zeero.

Latter circuits: If it takes minutes between each trigger event, nobody knows the caps initial voltage. Basic problem.

Do you have some idea how I can improve (some of if not all of) those circuits so I can know for sure the initial voltage of the cap.


The transistor continue conducting after the flip flop was reset. So I figured out that first design doesn't have the error I described above. However, the resistor (forgot to draw it between !Q and transistor base) will waste some effect, so I have to solve that now.


  • mono_SR+RC+npn.png
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  • D-vippe_RC_schmitt.png
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  • SR_RC_schmitt.png
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