delay time control between two square wave

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New Member
As i am trying to have two logic square waves signals with ampltiude of 5V to drive two MOSFETs in half- bridge configuration of my DC-DC converter. The frequency i am using is 100kHz, which is 10us for the period.

I need to control one of the signals having a delay time ranging from 0 to 5us with respect to another signal , are there any method to do this?

Thank you.
I am new to this thing, so would it be difficult to adjust the delay time? Because i think if i need to have different delay time, different capacitance should be used.
Have you looked at any of the many PWM control ICs that are designed for that purpose?
I am new to this thing, so would it be difficult to adjust the delay time? Because i think if i need to have different delay time, different capacitance should be used.

Use a trimpot to adjust the resistance. Use a 10KΩ pot and 1nF capacitor. With the pot set to midrange, you will get ~5us delay
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