Xymon plus Devmon, possibly??
Download Xymon Systems and Network Monitor for free. Xymon monitors your hosts, your network services, and everything else. Xymon is a system for monitoring of hosts and networks, inspired by the Big Brother system. It provides real-time monitoring, an easy web-interface, historical data...
Devmon is an open-source SNMP monitoring tool that can graph and alert several hundreds of devices per minutes - bonomani/devmon
Download bbwin for free. BBWin is a Windows agent for Xymon Server. It is written in C++ with boost library and use WiX to generate msi installer.
Once fully configured, it will give you the status of all systems being monitored, on all machine its configured for, in a single web page or client, and can send alerts when anything is not working as it should, drives are getting too full, graphing loads, and just about anything else you can imagine.
You can drill down for graphs and details.
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