Denco IFTs

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New Member

i need a denco 13/470khz IFT for my final year project. does anybody know where these are available (preferably in australia, but anywhere as long as i can get one)? i have tried google, dse, jaycar, farnell, rs but nobody seems to have them (or has even heard of them). any help would be much appreciated.


Denco ceased trading a LONG!!!!! time ago, probably more than 20 years, I would have though your only chance is if someone had one sat in their junk box.

An IFT probably isn't as hard to replace as most of the other Denco coils, you could probably find a Toko one which would work.

What is your project, and where did you find such an old one 8)
i'm building one of AJ Potts' RC reveivers and that's what he says he used. i'm looking at building my own IFT now, but thanks for the suggestion.
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