denon avr 2803

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New Member
right got it of my mate as it didnt work, took it apart and main relay was broken, so i got exactly the same one and swapped them, however the amp still goes in to the protect mode, also theres a little bit where you plug in speakers broken, wondering if this can be the cause if so how to fix it?View attachment 61182View attachment 61183
It's almost certain that the broken socket won't put the amp in protection mode.

Most likely it's a blown amp.

Why was the relay broken?, the relay is what protects the speakers in protection mode, so presumably the amp is blown.
dont know, thats how it was when i got it, how can i confirm the amp has gone? and is there a possible way of fixing it?

Thanks for quick reply btw
Measure the DC voltage on the output of each channel (before the relay) they should both be 0V or VERY close.
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