design ADC using pic 16fxxx and programming........please help me to design it...!!!

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Which PIC ???
Which LANGUAGE ???
Which COMPILER ???

Which scheme capture soft ???
Which PCB design soft ???
Which output format ???


How Much do you offer ???


Urgent reply needed.
i need design analog to digital converter using pic 16f877A microcontroller and the output from microcontroller is send to zigbee wireless, wireless can transmit data to receiver and monitored by pc.. and do u can help me to develop programming using c+ programming..??
need design analog to digital converter using pic 16f877A microcontroller and the output from microcontroller is send to zigbee wireless, wireless can transmit data to receiver and monitored by pc.. and do u can help me to develop programming using c+ programming..??

dont use JDM programmer[/QUOTE]
did you understand Zigbee ?

before you doing that kind of programming

why not just learn a basic programming first

like blinking led ,

if it is really urgent , i can help you

PM me and tell what is your problem or you can post everything you need here

dont be shame

also why did it is really urgent

is it your for your work or just a hobby ?
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