Design Considerations for A multi-socket controlled by a SMS system

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im building a multiple-socket that will be controlled by SMS. Hence I am designing the SMS control board to control a multiple-socket that I will buy from a store.

In building this socket, I want to consider the various aspects that might affect the operation of the socket such as:

1) SMS signals are RF signals..If an incoming SMS comes to the system (via a GSM Handphone) , will there be an impact of the RF signal interfering with the 5VDC or 240VAC lines? how do I shield the RF signal from the DC or even the 240VAC lines ( I live in a country which operates on the following socket parameters 240VAC/13A/50Hz similar to the BS1363 standard.

2) As the system would consist of DC lines and 240VAC lines, will there be any phenomenons that might affect the performance should they be within close proximity of each other..I.e. Is there any requirement/standard to shield AC and DC lines within such close proximity?

Are there any guiding standards in existence that relate to the items (1) and (2) that I have mentioned above?

I would like to know the correct keywords/terminology pertaining to the items above so I can initiate a more efficient search on the internet to obtain the theory required to design my system.

Apart from the situations I have mentioned, would there be any other situations that I have left out that might affect the operation of my multi-socket?

Help is greatly appreciated.

I am considering the EMC desigining aspect of my system. Since Im using a handphone and handphones are a source of radiated signals, I would need to measure the power of the radiated signal so I can design the corresponding EMC circuit.

Is there anyway I can measure/know the power of the radiated signal of the phone?

i did some research on IEEE..
they recommended putting filters on my power supply lines which is (240VAC/50Hz)
Since my SMS Controller will have a transformer as well as a handphone.. Is it necessary to place a emc filter at the entry point of my power supply line? once again, this question directs to how strong the incoming RF signal of the handphone is..


Hoping for some kind soul to reply...=(
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