Design project

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Im a final year student in Electroni Engineering i need your help with design project i need full final paper with circuit diagrams .
1.conversion of voice signal to text message
2.Hands free calculator
if you've got the whole design even if its not on my list please email it to me
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No, the project is yours. If I'm right, then this forum was made to help people with problems that they have, not do the work for them. When 3v0 asked how much money you were willing to pay, he wanted to know what your budget was.

Try this, do a little research about what you want to include in your project, make an attempt to design it, then come back for help.
Sadly my remark was not quite so noble. My point was that if he wanted us to do his work he ought to be paying for it. I doubt anyone would actually help him cheat.
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