I have had a hearing problem for 35 years I think form too many ear infections. Base & Treble is not good enough for a hearing aid you need a tone controls for every 1KHz frequency range. Equalizer is what we called it 40 years ago not sure that is what it is called now. First stage amplifier output goes to the equalizer then 2nd stage amplifier goes to the ear phone. I put a gain control on both amplifier stages. First amplification is for very sensitive sounds like a pin drop on the floor, wind blowing threw the trees, birds in the trees, water dripping in the sinks at the other end of the house 50 ft away, mosquito buzzing near your head. Second stage amplification if volume to the ear phones. Most sounds in the 2K to 5K are voice. I have trouble hearing people talk with a high Hz voice some women I see there lips move but I hear nothing. Equalizer needs to turn up the HZs that I can not hear. I have to get my ears tested so I have the graph to use to set all the frequency ranges. I have been using a ceramic mic it seems to work best so far there may be something better but don't know yet what it is. Hearing aid needs a quick change control switch for, high, medium, low amplifications. If sounds change like walking into a noisy restaurant click the switch to reduce amplification.