Have done before but can't figure out how I did it.
Using Diptrace and overlaying a graphic but keep getting silk screen over pad.
Importing a jpeg into program after trying to cut out the background using Paint.net.
not sure what it used. I Do have the gerber file from lat time but importing and editing it now??
Well yes and no. The graphics came out great but I had a minor flaw in my board design and have corrected but need to have board redone. Simple mistake on my part.
Now I realize how you accumulated that pile of circuit boards you posted a pic of years ago.
mis-spoken English.
I meant redesigning the board without any errors.
I realize HOW I made the mistake so fixing the mistake is easy but need to reorder boards.
A bright spot in all this is an additional option on the calculator boards is adding the ET game with just an additional slide switch.