Destructive attitudes

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..all these fights and clashes of personalities on ETO.
I think this is getting very bad for this electronic web site.
I mainly focus on the Electronic Circuit forums on ETO for answer to my electronic hobby. That is what I look and expect in ETO. Once in a while I check on the Members Lounge for a non-electronic discussion when it is done with respect, the one about Boncuk (I miss him) is a perfect example, or someones health or family issues , the x-mas messages, etc.

We as member, should follow a key rule; self control. If you think a comment can offend others, don’t post it. Self control.

I will continue to log my questions on the Electronic Forum sections because I believed this is the best electronic forum on the internet. It is the best because of its expert members. I thank you all for your support.

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We as member, should follow a key rule; self control. If you think a comment can offend others, don’t post it. Self control.

Unfortunately some are looking for anything they can find to be offended by and act/react accordingly over and if there is no obvious reason reading between the lines of what was said to find a unintended of non existent reasons to be offended is still a good enough reason to work with.

I for one can be rather good at double speak when I feel I need or want to. However that does not mean that every word and sentence I write has multiple or possible hidden meanings.

I'm not that proficient of writer. Or am I?

I'm seeing this on just about every website that I visit or are a member of. It's as if some cosmic storm has infected everyone or maybe it's just too cold.

LOL. Don't fool yourself. ETO is busy with a "cleansing program". The very best are being shown the middle finger. What will be left is a core of uselessness.

Knowing a bit more than you do. But anyway, do unto others as they do unto you. You reap what you sow.

I believe that ETO will be dead and finished and history very shortly.

And all destroyed because of stupid decisions of using Snakes to "watch your back".

EM, you have been a fool. You have been suckered. You have have been mislead. You have let YOUR Website be taken over...

And that as tvtech is all I have to say.

I want a Permanent Ban. I wish no further association with this mess.

Good luck and bye

Edit 09/01/2014

LOL...never even had one dislike or red block (old software) before this post of mine here since I joined ETO years ago. No problems. I never take things up the wrong way......

I often say what others are are too afraid to say and speak my mind.
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I believe that ETO will be dead and finished and history very shortly.

TV, ETO will be here as long as members support it. All this is perspective; many members support EM and his decisions, I was informed this morning that Eric had a choice to stay and see if he could Moderate with the new rules and chose not too!

A level head needs to see that; for clarity and for the better of the site and members. Let it go.

TCM, now that I know he was given the chance, I'm no longer letting this hole thing eat at me.

My apology, I was just having some fun with new dislike buttons at the time, I didn't know how many others were feeling that way, and followed me?

Don't get me wrong; yesterday when it happened I was fuming, after a chat with Ian and learning Eric's decision I'm not.

ETO, needs to move on.

Edit: Warm fuzzy kittens, here kitty, kitty.
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I'm seeing this on just about every website that I visit or are a member of. It's as if some cosmic storm has infected everyone or maybe it's just too cold.

Same observations as well. I think it's the cold. The people who do not deal with this every year go into shock!

My wife has real issues with the cold, the roads, the snow, the wind, the short days, having to warm up vehicles, having to pay attention when driving, and planing her trips out instead of just running around pointlessly.
None of it has anything directly to do with me but I catch hell for any and every possible excuse she can find so she can vent and any actions done to counter that venting just make it worse.
Sunday I got chewed out for not doing the shopping and cooking. Last night I got chewed out for doing the shopping even though I bought exactly what she wanted. (Just bought more than she does. two to three weeks worth. Not one weeks.) Then I got it for putting the groceries away. I moved some stuff on one shelf over six inches and restacked some plastic containers to fit the extra groceries. I caught hell for that.
Then got it again for cooking something I liked not what she wanted even though she said cook what you want.

I see a similar pattern on the internet at the moment as well.
People got pushed out of their comfort zones and found out that nature still rules this planet whether they like it or not so they find any excuse they can to snap at others. You did something on way. That was wrong. You redid it the opposite that was wrong to. You stopped doing it all together and told them to do it themselves . Still wrong.

Getting humbled by a force they can't argue or reason with makes some people a bit cranky.
As evidence of this thread's title:

tvtech said:
...I want a Permanent Ban. I wish no further association with this mess.

Goodbye and good luck to you as well, tvtech.

I figured so much. That's why I didn't let any of this stuff get to me. Things are changing and that makes some people uptight due to uncertainty. It happens. No apology needed.
A few years back I watched a cop work on a guy who had come close to crossing the line. The guy had been screwed major time and had good reason to be upset. I think the cop was supposed to be calming him down. Instead the cop keep rubbing the guys nose in it.

Stop being that cop. Stay out of these threads and let the dust settle.

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For the time being, I've refrained from even reading the "rules conversation". Why? Commenting was spelled out as being a permissible topic only to be deemed non-permissable (or not at this time) my another member.

So, within the conversation one is complaining about how the rules are applied even though they were permissible which is the reason the conversation was started in the first place. I don't get it. The "rules conversation" is irrelevant to all but a few members.
Reactions: 3v0

So sorry for your reaction to my post. But you miss the point, it is about destructive attitudes. We all can have destructive attitudes or constructive attitudes. I will choose for the constructive, here in ETO or elsewhere. ETO is just a web site for a novice like myself to get knowledge from great people. If at some point ETO does not " fit" as a place for me to find electronic answers, I will go quietly. No complains. So far it being a great place to get answers.
As evidence of this thread's title:

Goodbye and good luck to you as well, tvtech.

He's just torn up and confused in all of this, I wouldn't hold it against him. In the same note of the "Thread Title" and I'm hoping you will agree with 3v0 give peace a chance.

It can't happen if we just throw the baby out with the bathwater.
A few years ago, I got disgusted with ETO and left. I did not like the tact it was taking as it wasn't where I thought it should be.

I came back not too long ago and saw some improvements so I decided to let ETO rejoin my reading list. That's right I let ETO rejoin my reading list. That does not mean it is a permanent fixture and if it gets to a point where I feel it's not meeting my expectations, I will simply leave. I will not throw a temper tantrum, nor will I say it's going down the drain.

Forums run in cycles and the one's that maintain and grow have known and enforced standards of behavior. With the advent of the contentious moderator and rules thread, it did come to my mind that ETO should be dropped, but, when I read over at AAC and responded that I thought Matt should return and state why he left. I then reminded myself I had two choices ... go without a word or stay and help. I choose to stay and help. I choose not to get into the urinating contests as they are unproductive in the process. There may be elements in those that are germane to the issues, but, stating them in such a fashion allows them to disappear in the surrounding noise.

If someone chooses to leave ETO ... that is their prerogative. They may be missed by some. I probably wasn't missed the first time I left and probably won't be missed the next time I leave.

I wasn't happy to hear that Eric was no longer a Moderator. I'm not privy to the whole story, but I still hope he remains an active member.
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