Detect low battery and light an LED

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Sorry for my ignorance but could you please make a diagram on how I could make this work with resistor types (if needed) and how to wire up the voltage low battery thing. As I said sorry.
First you need to decide what should be the voltage V, to be called for low battery.Then use a transistor in voltage divider bias with a zener diode of breakdown voltage V connected in reverse bias between base voltage divider resistors.Your Vcc should be such that initial voltage between zener should be greater than V.Use your battery as source for Vcc & cascade it with an inverter containing led at load side.You can use transistor as switch for making an inverter.
This circuit will light the LED when the battery voltage is below ~8V (1V per cell for an Alkaline is quite dead). It draws ~1mA before it turns on; then about 7mA after it turns on, with most of that going to the LED. If your battery-powered device has an On/Off switch, wire this circuit on the load-side of the switch, so when the switch is Off, this device is too.

ps: LM431 is a substitute for a TL431.


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