Detect the activation of a bell's door switch

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I want to detect when someone press the button of bell's door.
Maybe with a AC relay it's possible to do it? What is the best to detect it ? The transformer has 120V on side and on the other it's 18 VAC...

I uploaded what the circuit of the bell's door like...


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Your circuit will work for as long as the button is pressed, as soon as the button is released the relay will drop out.. Is that what you want ?
When the AC relay not available...


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gerty said:
Your circuit will work for as long as the button is pressed, as soon as the button is released the relay will drop out.. Is that what you want ?

Yes, the contact of relay will activate a input of a microcontroller...
For microcontroller interfacing more elegant an optocoupler...


  • bell_824.jpg
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