Development of a Microcontroller-based computer PS/2 device checker

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New Member
hi guyz,

iam new here, just wanna seek for help in my project it is driven by pic 16f877,

the concept of the project is stand-alone, it checks if the PS/2 devices(keyboard,mouse) are working or has a prob,

iam having a trouble making a design for it T_T. please help thanks in advance
The hardware part is easy, two pull-up resistors and a 5VDC supply. As for the code check Google, there are dozens of sample PS/2 routines for the PIC.
The hardware part is easy, two pull-up resistors and a 5VDC supply. As for the code check Google, there are dozens of sample PS/2 routines for the PIC.

thanks, iam having a hard time making a schematic design though i have an idea on how its going to work on the pic 16f877 and with the keyboard and mouse pins, iam not sure if iam going to use other electronic components like capacitor zener, diodes or what T_T
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