See digikey and search for optomos or photomos. there should be hits for some photo led relays with NC and NO contacts.
Your lack of 120 VAC could likely be done better. I forget the part number.
basically, you want to do load sharing, so only one AC is on at a time. If you really wanted to be smarter, you could use deviation as a priority or some other method. In any event, you could use run time along with call for cool so if call for cool drops out, timing for that AC unit ceases and then on to the next one. So, you have a max run-time, but modify the max time based on call for cool dropping out.
I think it would be cool to base run-time on deviation of a baseline temperature independent of the stat. e.g. Loss of cooling means the setpoint becomes 80 degrees say for all zones. Now use delta T to do your time multiplexing. You also might give priority to certain zones. So if the zones are 1 deg and 2 and 5 deg hotter (deviations from 80 F), the 5 deg hotter zone gets to run longer.