DFF VLSI operation when t=0

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I have done a VLSI Design Layout Simulation of a D Flip-Flop. The timing diagram and schematic are as attached.

The simulation works fine and the results as desired. However I noticed, that at the timing diagram, when t=0, there seems to be a slight peaking at the output of Q' and a charge up at Q [indicated on the attached picture].

Why is this so?


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I think it is an initial power up "race" condition where the cross-coupled E and F gates are both initially low at power-up, which feeds back to the inputs of E and F, but clearly, both cant be low nor both can be high at the same time, so due to a slight imbalance one wins. If you were using a "logic" simulator, both E and F would initially have a value of "unknown". If you are using a Spice sim, use the .IC statement to set one or the other to an initial state other than the default low, and see what happens.
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