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New Member
hello every one.

I find no words to describe my situation.

there is 2 months that I am designing a DRO oscillator in microstrip technology at 10 GHz,

I tried the following figure, but in vain. :'(
View attachment 64623

Please, help me, soon my academic defense and I have done nothing yet.

if you know a schema, a list of steps, I would be very happy even with a single encouraging word.

thank you with all my heart.
ADS? I feel your pain. I only barely learned it. I suggest, for what it is worth, to break the loop into two parts; the amplification part and the feedback part, then simulate each part and use the gain/loss and phase data from each part to make sure each part works and that, together, the Barkhausen criteria is met at 10 GHz.

Good luck!
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