Difference b/n 74HC164 and 74HC4094?

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I need to implement some additional output pins for PIC MCU to switch on and off transistors which in turn ON/OFF MOSFETs via opto-couplers. I need 12 channels, so plans to cascade 2 8 bit shift registers.

I felt by reading data sheets that, I can use either 74HC164 or 74HC4094.

What is the basic difference between those two chips? both are serial in parrellel outs? what is the plus point in each case?
One is 'shift latch register'. How it effects practically in application?

without latch, as you clock the shift register you have outputs change ... so for example if your output is"


you can only change it to:

with latch, you can change it to "any" value as you can clock in X new inputs and then latch
Thanks arhi. Got it.
My application can't tolerate change as it clocks!

So 74HC4094 is my choice.
Thanks a lot!
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