Difference between modes in serial instructions

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Hi, what's the difference between modes in serial instructions such as serin and serout? what's the difference between (for example) T2400 and N2400 and OT2400 and ON2400? when i should use them and in which situation and for what applications?

thank you
Not the greatest amount of information I've ever seen in a post.
Try at least telling us what device you're using, and what language.
Hi, i use picbasic pro and PIC16F877A, i know the instruction but i don't know the difference between them(T2400,N2400,OT2400,ON2400).
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i know the instruction but i don't know the difference between them(T2400,N2400,OT2400,ON2400).

T means when it sends a '1' the output is high. This is true logic that you would feed into an RS232 level shifter like a MAX232 for example

N means when it sends a '1 the output is low, this simulates RS232 logic levels where a '1' is represented by a low voltage level and a '0' by a high voltage level.

O means the output 'simulates' an open collector configuration, driving the line low, but letting it float high.

This is all explained clearly in the documentation. You should read it.

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