Difference: PIC 16F72 & 16C72

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New Member
Hello all again, may I know what's the different for C series & F series? As far as I know C stand for CMOS & F stand for Flash.

I wish to know if the PIC basic compiler for 16C72 compatible to 16F72.

If I'm having a command for the following, what kind of output u can predict?
(FYI, 16F72 is a 28-pin, 3 TRIS PIC)

ref var porta.3
sig var portb.0
eng var portc.3
buz var portc.4


main: if sig=1 then buzz
if rev=1 then check

check: if sig=1 then engine
goto buzz

engine: high eng
pause 1000
low eng
goto main

buzz: high buz
pause 5000
low buz
goto main

URGENT, as I do not see my program to light up (eng) where there's both input (ref & sig) detected. The program only light up buz.
the C is for OTP (one time programmable) and the F parts can be reprogrammed as much as you like. and the F doesnt necessarily mean flash.
samcheetah said:
the C is for OTP (one time programmable) and the F parts can be reprogrammed as much as you like. and the F doesnt necessarily mean flash.

So with the same popgram I written on, using a 16C72 compiler works fine for 16F72 too?
Please advise on this concern of mine... thanks!!!
yes it will work on both the F and C versions if it is a working program! the only difference between the F and C parts is the number of times it can be programmed. the rest is same
Hey samcheetah,
Thanks for the guidance. But can u do me another favour? Can u please help me by checking on the program I written?
My desire program is to check on both inputs REV & SIG. But provided REV is detected before SIG. Then output to ENGINE. Else if SIG is detected before, lead to output BUZZ.
I have another concern, TRISA is a analogue port, can I assign it as digital input without any initiation like my program?
its how you set it.It can be analog input,digital input or digital output

oh TIRSA in binary 1 make inputs and 0 make outputs
Someone Electro,
Yeah, I'm aware of it, but without any initiation on the TRISA, by default it's a analogue or digital?

By using command of:
"PORTA=%000100 ;assigning bit 2 as input, the rest outputs"

Is that input of PORTA.2 a digital input? Or analogue input?
Pls advise on this. Thanks~
DelheZi said:
Oh I see, but can u directly show me how to initiate the input as digital input? Please...

Try reading the datasheet - it will explain it there, and give you the exact code sequence required!.
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