Different between PIC16F84 and PIC16F84A

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some day ago i still not buy know about between it
i already buy the chip but i dont know between them two
some say 84A doesnt have adc input
can anyone tell me the different
; sorry about bad english but you must understand

Mainly Just some improvements about the EEPROM behaviour and clock max frequency.

Better you to open your 16F84A DATASHEET and ... read it !!! Appendix B describes those improvements ...

They are the same chip, near enough identical spec, the 'a' version is just a later silicon revision.

However, it's an antique obselete PIC, and shouldn't be something to use in the 21st Century.
just add some info to transistorman

sometimes take a look at this pic give some clearer sight (i did on my 877 and A)

like nigel said it nearly identical

'A' is revision from the previous



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A Stands for Advanced version.

The newer PICs (High End) all are advanced than previous so it doesn't print "A".
If I remember correctly (bear in mind the chips were obselete over ten years ago), there may be slight HEX file differences, probably to do with the config fuses?.

Although I've just checked the config setting in WinPicProg, and they look the same.

It may be that the differences were only in the programming algorithym?, I seem to recall having to modify PicProg to add the 84a (back when all programmers were DOS only).

If you are going from F84 to F84A I believe there is nothing to change. If to the F628 read below, just do it in C rather ASM.

From another thread here on the forum by kchriste.

Some info on that is here:

The F628 is very close to the F84. Basically, if you disable the comparators:
movlw 0x07
movwf CMCON
;and then change the CONFIG and chip type in the file:
LIST p=16F628
include "P16F628.inc"
__config 0x????
;You should be OK.
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