differential equation: reduction of order technique

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Please have a look on the attachment. You can find my queries there. Please help me with them. I would be very much grateful.



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Q1. The author wants to emphasize that the assumed and soon to be found function u(x) is a solution of the differential equation x²y''-6y=0. That means x≠0. This is important for the reduction of order method.

Q2. The calculated integrating factor is x^6. Multiplying the equation by x^6 will make the left side of the equation into a complete differential. Therefore the solution of the equation is w=c/x^6 . Try substituting it into w'+6w/x = 0 and see.

Q3. The author could have chosen any constant values for c1 and c2 to get y2. Try different values of c1 and c2, then substitute into x²y''-6y=0 and see. He chose those (-5,0) values to get the simplest and lowest degree term value for y2.

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