digbyte macro help

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In my continuing learning of PICs using 16F84A, I am trying to count pulses with Tmr0 for a particular time (.1 sec. Using a 555 pulser) and then display the count on two 7 segement displays. I have copied the digbyte macro but am unsure how to get the count into it. I have also read that the Microel.inc file is needed (or microel84.inc). Is there more information needed besides the variables dig1,2,3 and digtemp. I have searched for the microel.inc file to copy but have not found it. If is needed, would you please include a copy of or link to it. What does Pon0 represent?
If there is another easier way to do this but still using the F84, I would like to know. Also, I would like to practice using macros at the same time.
I have received great info on this forum before so thanks in advance for your input and help.

Perhaps if you posted the code you are talking about - digbyte macro - and the site / book where you are getting this info from, then we might be able to help.
I got a virus in my computer and had to restore and lost all my files. I will repost this question when I'm back in buisness and have time to rewrite code. THANKS
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