Digital code lock using 12F629

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I found this simple code lock for my alarm project.

**broken link removed**

Works fine but the LED glows dim during standby!!!

Any idea from PIC experts would be appreciated
Dear Nigel Goodwin,

I am novice to pic, help me to sort this problem out of my project.
My efforts to rectify this by anything is not worked.
BINGO It's working.

But power consumption on standby is 1.2 mA which is high for my battery operated project.
Any modification on hex code would possible to solve this problem?
BINGO It's working.

But power consumption on standby is 1.2 mA which is high for my battery operated project.
Any modification on hex code would possible to solve this problem?
He using a hex he down loaded from the site I say he didn't disassemble But if he did I hope he will post the code. I look at it last night and tried disassembling it it's big take some time to do. I imported to mplab I no there got to be a better way then that to disassemble.
You said the "power consumption on standby is 1.2 mA" is this with the LED on?

It is hard to adjust the disassembled code.Better use high capacity NIMH cells.
Can't tune more than that.disabling built in modules doesn't make such a big different.

Try adding 330ohms resistors to pins 5,6,7 & see.I don't know much about joepinos technic regarding where the GND path follows for the switches?
hex to asm conversion


I found this utility hex to asm which gave the attached conversion. Hope this helps. Utility runs under both Windows and Unix.


  • JP6296.asm
    13.1 KB · Views: 214
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