The big question is:
"What is your budget?"
Googling "Analog multimeter for sale" produced this:
Looking in to Ebay produced this:
The Vc 5080 looks like a reasonable meter, but I have no direct experience.
Old engineer reminiscing mode= ON
Many years ago the multimeter of (my) choice was the AVO Model 8, it did most things I required.
Along came digital multimeters and they became the favourite "go to" item of test equipment, but the good old AVO 8 was still better for some tests, notably checking transistor junctions and watching for peaks and dips when adjusting tuned circuits.
As time went by and digital multimeters improved, they had good diode test functions and the better ones had a sufficiently fast update rate to make it possible to watch for peaks and dips when tuning.
Back to the future and on my workbench I have an all singing all dancing 5 1/2 digit bench DMM and a 3 1/2 digit (big) pocket sized DMM.
Analogue DMMs are nowhere to be seen.
Old engineer reminiscing mode= OFF
My opinion for what it is worth.