There is already a digital multimeter circuit on the web using a PIC chip.
It takes an enourmous amount of programming skill to produce a project like this.
Most multimeters measure the voltage across a fixed resistor keeping the voltage below a diode drop at full scale. A feedback ammeter generally is used for currents below 10 mA. It gets messy when you want currents of 10 mA and voltages below 1 V.
There is already a digital multimeter circuit on the web using a PIC chip.
It takes an enourmous amount of programming skill to produce a project like this.
You only quoted one part of my last post and didnt answer any of the questions. We have to know what you want to do to help and that means knowing exactly what you want to measure...
yeah im sorry for not answering,but the problem is the range has to be the best possible,that is if i can measure any value then i get more marks in my grading................
yeah im sorry for not answering,but the problem is the range has to be the best possible,that is if i can measure any value then i get more marks in my grading................
Ok, well you can take a look at Microchips app note AN611 but there are probably others too. You have to dedicate some time to looking through the list of app notes that's all.
thank you very much for every one who answered........... i have really started to build keep in touch with me ill post if im with any problems.........